St. Bernadette's Incorruptible Body

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 "Behold this Heart which has so loved men as to spare Itself nothing, even to exhausting and consuming Itself, to testify to them Its love, and in return I receive nothing but ingratitude from the greater part of men by the contempt, irreverence, sacrileges, and coldness which they have for Me in this Sacrament of My love.” (Our Lord to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque)

Making Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
In the Nine First Fridays Devotion

Get More info on this Devotion Here

Our Lady of Sorrows

Pray with our Mother in comforting her in her sorrows in this ancient and powerful devotion.

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The Holy Face of Jesus Prayer

Reparation of athesim, blasphamey and the descration of Holy Days through the Holy Face of Jesus prayer! 

Order the (above) Immaculate Heart of Mary Image  (5x7)  includes the Fatima Prayer Booklet-" Heaven's Peace Plan" -contact Tricia Parsons @ 225-978-9644      or

Today you'll find this annual tradition still celebrated around St. Joseph's Feast Day, March 19th in many churches, homes, and schools, but more abundantly found in New Orleans, La.  New Olreans had the largest population of Sicilians come to America at the beginning of the country. 

The people of Sicily pleaded to St. Joseph during a terrible famine because he was their Patron Saint. St. Joseph answered their prayers and in gratitued they prepared an altar to honor St. Joseph.  For more info go to   The Virtual St. Joseph Altar

St. Joseph Altar, A Sicilian Tradition

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Our Lady of Good Success of the Purification aka Maria Santissima del Buen Suceso de La Purification- "Warnings and Prophecies of Our Time!"

The  4th Annual Nativity installation at the Louisiana State Capitol, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. A part of the American Nativity Scene inititive across America ,See if your State Capitol honors the Nativity of the  Holy Family at Christmas here at American Nativity Scene.

In the End My Immaculate Heart Will Triumph! ,  Our Lady of Fatima, 1917.  Our Lady said God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If this is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace.

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Ecuador (1594)

Our Lady of Good Success appeared to a Spanish-born, Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres. Our Lady requested that a statue be made in her likeness &warned of the dimishing  faith and vocations in the 20th century. Go to Tradition and Action website here for more info.

Making Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
In the Five First Saturdays Devotion
“Look, My daughter, at My Heart, surrounded with thorns with which ungrateful men pierce Me at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude. Do you, at least, try to console Me and announce in My name that I promise to assist at the moment of death, with all the graces necessary for salvation, all those who, on the first Saturday of five consecutive months shall confess, receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the Rosary, and keep Me company for fifteen minutes while meditating on the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary, with the intention of making reparation to Me.”

         Great Importance for Our Time!                            The Five First Saturdays Devotion is precisely meant to make reparation for the offenses against Our Lady’s most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. By our acts of love, penance and reparation we may envision ourselves removing the numberless splinters and thorns which have pierced Our Lady’s Heart. Get more at

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Learn about the origins of the Holy Face Devotion and it's importance from it's conception to this day.

In 1843, Our Lord gave Sr. Mary of St. Peter the Chaplet of the Holy Face wherein the verse from psalm 67 is repeated 33 times: “Arise, O Lord, and let Thy enemies be scattered and let all that hate Thee flee before Thy Face.” Our Lord willed that this be offered as a way of attending to His Face, that devotees to His Face may repair the damage done by blasphemy, otherwise “the malice of revolutionary men” was to be visited upon humanity. Entire article here at The Path Less Taken



More human beings died in abortions than any other cause of death in 2024. Get the entire article here from Lifesite

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The Alabama embryo case exposes The IVF Contradiction | Dr. John DiCamillo on The Dr J Show ep. 228

John A. Di Camillo, PhD, BeL, is a health care ethicist and the Personal Consultations Director at The National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC). He manages NCBC’s 24/7 free ethics consultation service as well as the Personal Consultations Fellows and Interns Program.

Dr. Di Camillo applies Catholic moral theology to science and medicine through research, writing, speaking, mentoring, and fielding hundreds of ethics questions every year.

The Immaculate Heart of Mary Image